Conviértase en Distribuidor
ÚNETE A NUESTRA RED - CONVIÉRTETE EN DISTRIBUIDOR DE EVEREST PAINTS & SUMMIT SEAL Bienvenido a Everest Paints & Summit Seal Everest Paints y Summit Seal están a la vanguardia...
Billyjoe Jarvis |
Removedor de eflorescencias y sales
Elimina rápidamente la eflorescencia causada por depósitos excesivos de sal en adoquines, losas de patio y ladrillos.
Aplicar directamente sin diluir con una regadera o pulverizador en las áreas afectadas, dejar actuar durante 15 minutos y enjuagar.
Eliminará la blancura superficial no deseada de adoquines, ladrillos y losas de patio. En casos graves, el proceso se puede repetir según sea necesario.
Adecuado para uso en adoquines, ladrillos, losas de patio y piedra natural.
Se limpia fácilmente y soporta lavados regulares. También es resistente a la mayoría de los aceites.
Si se aplica el removedor de eflorescencia en preparación para un sellador de adoquines, ladrillos o losas de patio, dejar actuar aproximadamente dos semanas para asegurar que la eflorescencia no reaparezca.
Aplicar directamente sin diluir con una regadera o pulverizador en las áreas afectadas, dejar actuar durante 15 minutos y enjuagar.
Asegúrese de que la superficie esté 100% seca y libre de humedad o contaminantes antes de la aplicación. No aplicar si hay posibilidad de lluvia.
Almacenar lejos de calor y llamas. Asegurar la tapa entre usos para evitar que la pintura se endurezca. Almacenar lejos de las heladas.
Asegúrese de que todas las superficies a sellar estén limpias y secas.
Disclaimer: There is a small possibility that your order may be delivered in white tins with the product label applied. This is rare but can occur in times of increased demand due to the manufacturer running out of printed tins because of a large spike in sales. You can confirm this with the manufacturer.
Below are the technical specifications of this coating. If you require more information on this product, please email us at contact@everestpaints.com and one of our staff members will be more than happy to provide you with the information needed.
Components: |
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Base Type: |
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Finish: |
Finish. |
Theoretical Coverage: |
Number of Coats: |
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Coating Thickness: |
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Suitable Substrates: |
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Use Case (Interior / Exterior): |
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Touch Dry Time: |
Overcoatable: |
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Fully Cured: |
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Pot Life: |
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Primer Required?: |
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Color Variation Count: |
Color(s) Available. |
Application Method: |
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Cleaner / Thinner: |
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Shelf Life: |
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Sizes Available: |
Available in Variants. |
Below are all the product data sheets and files we have on this coating. If you require more information on this product, please email us at contact@everestpaints.com and one of our staff members will do their best to provide you with the information needed.
Files and Data Sheets
Coverage Calculator
This is our coverage calculator. Enter the size (ft²) of the area you are looking to cover, then enter the number of coats you plan to apply, and it will inform you of the estimated quantity you will need based on the product's average coverage rates. If you require more information on this product, please email us at contact@everestpaints.com and one of our staff members will be more than happy to provide you with the information needed.
Coverage Calculator
All Available Variants
Excluding Tax
Ex Tax
Express Delivery Available!
SummitSeal - Removedor de Eflorescencias / Sales para Pavimentos de Bloques, Ladrillos y Piedra Natural - 20 Litros (4 x 5 Litros) está agotado y se enviará tan pronto como vuelva a estar disponible.
*subject to stock levels at the time of your order.